Greatest Redfishing of the Year!

The colder days of winter are bringing some of the best sight fishing conditions of the year to our area. This is the time of year when the cooler water temps kill off all the algae in the water and provide "gin" clear visibility on the flats! The clear water also bring the smaller schools of Reds together into super-sized schools numbering in the hundreds. This behavior is for protection as the fish feel more exposed to predatory birds such as large ospreys and the Bald Eagle. You will find most flats without much traffic on the colder days, and if you take your time on the trolling motor or push pole a school or 2 is bound to cross paths within casting range. Here's a few pics from some "school chasing".

Here's one on and one in the boat:

...And the second half of the double-up:

More updates to come!